For Caregivers


This is all too common with many Americans, but it doesn’t mean you have to do it all alone..

→ Approximately 43.5 million caregivers have provided unpaid care to an adult or child in the last 12 months.

→ Approximately 5-7 million caregivers in the U.S. (~15% of all caregivers) are long-distance caregivers. (Expected to double by the end of 2020.)

→ 54% of caregivers say their work or career prospects have been negatively affected by their caregiving commitments.

→ The average duration of a caregiver’s role is 4 years.


health advocate for the elderly

There is never enough time to handle all of the issues that Caregivers face.

Typically the sandwich generation is caught between work, children and taking care of the endless needs of an older loved one, either in the same community or increasingly in a remote or long-distance relationship.

You might be in this situation or perhaps just starting out on your own as a younger caregiver.


Taking care of a loved one who has been affected either by worsening of a chronic condition (diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.) or perhaps by a more acute diagnosis such as cancer or the beginnings of a dementia issue can derail your life plans quickly.

All of these potentials throw a curve ball at us, and getting out from under the weight of such issues is often challenging and sometimes seemingly insurmountable.

atlanta healthcare patient advocate


Advocates are able to deconstruct these issues and gain insight through our many years of client interaction within different healthcare settings.

Here at Collaborative Patient Advocacy, our process begins with a free 15-20 minute consult where we determine if our services fit your needs, discuss how we’d work together and figure out what next steps would look like.

Ready to talk to someone who truly cares about your situation?