Our DESIRE at Collaborative Patient Advocacy…
…is to utilize our many years of experience, both inside and outside of the healthcare profession to be a voice for those who have no voice, and to help others find their own voice.
Our BELIEF at Collaborative Patient Advocacy…
…is that intensive collaboration within the healthcare system is the best option for both independent advocacy work and system level improvement.
Our GOAL for Collaborative Patient Advocacy…
…is to see our model become an agent of change for both consumers of and participants in the healthcare arena.
Teresa Berger, as our founder and primary advocate, has always had an affinity for working with those who are seeking answers to their healthcare issues.
Her nursing career began at UAB Hospital where she worked primarily with medical (CCU) and surgical heart patients and advocating for quality initiatives and those with complex conditions.
She expanded her healthcare system experience as an administrator for a number of years, including a Board of Directors role, at a multi-office provider practice. She later worked in Bone Marrow Transplant Research at Emory Hospital.
In addition to her background as an RN, MSN and extensive volunteer work in educational and service opportunities, she has been a caregiver for the past 13 years for her elderly mother with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and other chronic issues.
Having experienced first-hand the state of medical care, both personally and professionally, she realized the many challenges confronting the US healthcare system as we collectively work to make it more patient-centric.
To further her skill set with these challenges in mind, she intensively studied in graduate level clinic casework and promoted advocacy causes with clients across the country at UW-Madison Law School Center for Patient Partnerships. She completed her Consumer Health Advocacy Certificate (18 months); in addition, she achieved her Board Certification in Patient Advocacy (BCPA). She is presently advocating for individual clients and collaborating with coalitions in the Atlanta area.
She feels it is essential that we change the healthcare path for those who seek our services. Her primary focus is on helping each person navigate to successful outcomes as they decide what is important to them and how they envision their best life.
“What is so vitally important to me is that as I look at my mother and many of the other seniors whom I encounter in my work, they are real people, should not be invisible, and I care about that.
They were (and still are) amazing artists, engineers, singers, dancers, physicists, english teachers, librarians, gardeners and all around generous and incredibly caring individuals with personal stories as vast as you can imagine.
As I work with these elders, I see their minds and personalities come out in spades. I am so grateful that I am able to be by their side to help others cherish this part of them and view them more holistically.”
As a whole, the experiences above have given Teresa insight into the numerous challenges of complicated health and insurance issues and have been an aid to her when appeal difficulties are encountered by clients.
Her specialty is diving deep into research to expand the options available and to meet goals prioritized by her clients. She is particularly passionate when engaging in work with wise elders, solo agers and those in need of hospice and palliative care services, whether sought by the client or family caregivers.
Get in touch with Teresa to discuss your needs today!